Wednesday 24 January 2007

It's Just a Jump to The Left....?

The NDP announced with much Hoo Haa, well more hoo than haa if truth be told. The Fuhrer describes the current government as leaving all others in the shade, Bertie points out that this NDP is all about Social Inclusion. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, this one's for the Children.

Totalling 180bn, this is a plan which contains virtually nothing. Look through it and there is nothing committed to. Specific projects when they are mentioned aren't costed, headings that are costed do not include specific proposals. It's a bit like going on the piss and spending a large wad of cash and not quite remembering what you spent it on.

God be with the days when Albert could buy an election for 8bn punt. Our expectations have risen so high that we now expect to spend 180bn and get nothing in return. Gotta love new socialist Bertie.

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