Wednesday 8 April 2009

Am i missing something

I'll be brief but where oh where is the budget prediction for a slowdown in the economy coming from. I'm still to hearing high single digit and low double digit figures as the prediction of our final contraction for 09. Given the fact that our economy is being shredded sector by sector its hard to see how those figures pan out.

A lesson in budget management

It cant be easy being Brian Lenihan and its certainly not easy on us that he struggles so much with the job. This budget, budget 09 take 2 so to speak, was the one that had to work, this either works or we fold up our tent and feck off. Im taking down the pegs as we speak.

Its a well thumbed book at this stage, but the Civil Service will not be the ones to get us out of this mess. Like many other taxpayers I feel agrieved, but to be honest i could just about live with the tax hikes, if, if, if we saw a commitment to really address our public sector finances. Until that is done we are screwed, with very few options left for balancing our books through additional revenue.

The key to blogging..... of course to do it regularly, so nearly two years later... here we go again.

I had sworn that I would give this up, and in fairness given my move into the dark arts it was probably a good thing that i did. But god bless Brian and his band of merry men, they have persuaded me that i need a place to vent and for the moment this place will have to do. So back we come.