Tuesday 13 February 2007

The Miracle of the Many Faced Bob

Captain Bob McCartney is out to get rid of the Reverend once and for all. After years of animosity and the virtual death of the Ulster Unionists as anything more than a sop to the blue rinse brigade, Bob is out to hit the Doc hard and destroy his chances of becoming first Minister.

In any other country we would laugh at the notion of a candidate running in more than one constituency. Sure it's been done before, but it rarely works. But this is not any other country, this is the crazy world of Northern Irish politics, where Presidential campaigning is the key and where McCartney, although despised by many, is similarly revered by plenty.

UKUP will have other candidates running, but it is to Bob that they will be looking to do real damage. If as the Doc says, the only party who can beat Sinn Fein is the DUP (duh) then any split in the Unionist vote will be a huge blow. With both the UUP and the UKUP out to get him, it might be time for a bit of own medicine for the man who has made a living accusing others of selling out.

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