Thursday 22 March 2007

Thursday Election an FF Gerrymander

It is the Taoiseachs perogative to call the date of the General Election, however this perogative should be exercised with reference to the demands of a democratic society that people should be given every opportunity to vote. Bertie does not appear to be worried by such niceties, he has an election to win and it is likely that those nasty student types wont be voting FF, but for Greens and other socialist or hippy types. He also does not want to have the people who moved to Dublin to work going home to vote after being stuck in traffic getting out of Dublin on a Friday. Bollix to dat says Bertie.

The Thursday election should by now be an anachronism in Irish politics, we should have moved away from those days. The point should be to allow as many as possible to exercise their franchise and hang the expense of the overtime at the count.

Noise needs to be made about this. It is not a small issue, it is one which is critical. We have to many pious words about needing to increase participation from politicians. When words are matched by these actions it leaves you in no doubt what they feel about young voters.

1 comment:

diarmuid mac said...

totally agree...